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The Lesser Social Media: Ban.Jo 




    The spread of using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. looks very interesting. However, let’s just not look in the popular social media, there are millions social media in this era. Some of the non-popular social media even have more offers to the consumer, for example application about food, news, fashion, or events. The consumer may be not as much as sharing photos or chatting application, but they can improve the application through new point of view in social media.


   Trying the new point of view through social media, Ban.Jo, that have office in California, Las Vegas, and San Francisco, is an all-access pass application to live events and also breaking news. They are offering international breaking news and also events from all over the world. The application is very organized and has a very nice yet formal color with perfectly structured news. When we first open the application, the icon of Ban. Jo is show up in the screen very nicely and then we can also sign in through those popular applications such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or simply by email.



   People do not start to use this application because it is also easy to search an event in browsing by Google or Yahoo etc. but this application, Ban.Jo, it can track your location and give a notification of new event in your nearby location. And also a notification about breaking news that can affect the rest of the world. This is very useful because people tend to not check their phone or news application or even watch TV to know the recent news, Ban.Jo offering to tell us the recent information about international breaking news and nearby event without making us searching it. 




By: Imas Nurul Aisyah – CommPR 4 

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